Other posts from this series:
DataWeave programming challenge #1: Add numbers separated by paragraphs and get the max number
DataWeave programming challenge #2: Rock Paper Scissors game score system
DataWeave programming challenge #3: Count palindrome phrases using the Strings module
DataWeave programming challenge #4: Solve the Tower of Hanoi mathematical puzzle
DataWeave programming challenge #5: Reverse a phrase's words, but keep the punctuation
DataWeave programming challenge #6: Using tail-recursion to get the factorial of a number
DataWeave programming challenge #7: Modify certain values from a JSON structure
DataWeave programming challenge #8: Sum all digits to get a 1-digit number
In this post:
Try to solve this challenge on your own to maximize learning. We recommend you refer to the DataWeave documentation only. Try to avoid using Google or asking others so you can learn on your own and become a DataWeave expert!
💡 Tip: Instead of trying to write the whole code yourself, browse in the documentation for any function that would do the work for you 👀
Consider the following JSON input payload:
"name": "a",
"object": {
"name": "b",
"l": [
"other": "c",
"list": [
"thisname": "def",
"list": [
"this": "500e",
"l": [
"finalname": "f"
"finalname": "ghijk"
"array": [
"thisname": "h"
"xyz": "abc123"
Explanation of the problem
Create a DataWeave script that will update all the values to uppercase, except the ones in which the field equals thisname.
For example, the first field name with the value "a" has to be transformed to "A". However, the field thisname with the value of "def" should stay the same.
Expected output
In this case, the expected output would be:
"name": "A",
"object": {
"name": "B",
"l": [
"other": "C",
"list": [
"thisname": "def",
"list": [
"this": "500E",
"l": [
"finalname": "F"
"finalname": "GHIJK"
"array": [
"thisname": "h"
"xyz": "ABC123"
If you're stuck with your solution, feel free to check out some of these clues to give you ideas on how to solve it!
If you haven't solved this challenge yet, we encourage you to keep trying! It's ok if it's taking longer than you thought. We all have to start somewhere ✨ Check out the clues and read the docs before giving up. You got this!! 💙
There are many ways to solve this challenge, but you can find here some solutions we are providing so you can compare your result with us.
Feel free to comment your code below for others to see! 😄
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A strong tool for transforming records, DataWeave programming simplifies the process of effectively system-dependent statistics. DataWeave can be used to structure and manipulate records when working on non-secular text organization, such as when making a properly prepared Quran Surah List. This can help organize, filter, or even include the Quran Surah List in other packages for easy access.
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Used tree: %dw 2.0 output application/json import * from dw::util::Tree --- payload mapLeafValues ((value, path) -> if(path.selector contains 'thisname') value else upper(value) )
I went with a recursive solution: %dw 2.0 output application/json fun capitalizeObject(item: Object) = do{ fun matchItem(item) = item match{ case item is Object -> item mapObject ((value, key, index) -> if(key as String == 'thisname') {(key): value} else {(key): matchItem(value)}) case item is Array -> item map ((item, index) -> matchItem(item)) case item is String -> upper(item) } --- matchItem(item) } --- capitalizeObject(payload)
My solution is similar to yours with extra type check of string.
%dw 2.0 output application/json import * from dw::util::Tree --- payload mapLeafValues ((value, path) -> if(!(path[-1].selector == "thisname") and value is String) upper(value) else value )